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If you have any base history and/or pictures, please contact Webmaster to contribute.
20240704 - USSVI-OKC was at the Edmond Liberty Fest Parade. Members at the parade included: Chuck Hladik, Todd Holmes, Don LeBlanc, Dale Lee Sanders, Jay VanDuzer, Jim Owen, and Ken Box.
20240621 - USSVI-OKC Base members were interviewed for a USSVI-OKC Feature on KOKH Channel 25. Those present include Chuck Hladik, Todd Holmes, Dale Sanders, Jim Own and Ken Box. Video can be seen at: USSVI-OKC Feature on KOKH Channel 25.
20240511 - USSVI-OKC was at the Del City Parade. Members at the parade included: Jim Owen, Don LeBlanc, Ken Box, Dale Lee Sanders and Chuck Hladik.
20240504 - Gary J Lee received his induction into the Holland Club from Chuck Hladki and Jim Owen
20240406 - Base members painted the USSVI-OKC Base Float. We managed to get most of it onto the float! Base members present included; Chuck Hladik, Jim Owen, Dale Sanders, Ken Box, Don LeBlanc, Mark Holland
20240329 - USSVI-OKC base members attended the Robert Kalsu Memorial Dedication - USSVI-OKC donated funds toward this memorial. In attendance from the base included: Chuck Hladick, Todd Holmes, Dale Sanders, Jim Owen, Jan VanDuzer.
20240203 - The USSVI-OKC February Social Dinner at Saltgrass was a huge success. The food was great. The location was excellent. Eight couples were present filling the evening with stories, laughter and typical submarine banter. A special thanks to our wonderful wife's for joining us this evening.
Attending: Todd & LoriAnn Holmes, Chuck & Joyce Hladik, Jim & Linda Owen, Jay & Chris VanDuzer, Steve & Sue Damlo, Dale & Lori Sanders, Gary & Penny Lee and Guests Steve & Becky Carlson.
If you have any base history and/or pictures, please contact Webmaster to contribute.
20231207 - Chuck Hladik, Todd Holmes, Jim Owen and Gabe Long attended the Oklahoma City Pearl Harbor Memorial. Chuck, Todd and Jim met with Commander Stutzman of the PCU Oklahoma -SSN 802 (soon to be USS Oklahoma) and members of his crew prior to the memorial.
20231205 - Base Commander Chuck Hladik met with the Commander Stutzman of the PCU Oklahoma -SSN 802 (soon to be USS Oklahoma) and members of his crew who were in town.
20231110 - USSVI Oklahoma City base participated in the Veterans Day parade. Members participating were Chuck Hladik, Dale Sanders, Gabe Long, Jay VanDuzer, Jim Owen, and Todd Holmes.
20231104 - Base Elections were held. Re-elected into offices were: Base Commander Chuck Hladik, Base Vice Commander Todd Holmes, Base Treasurer Jim Owens, and Base Secretary Dale Sanders. Mark Holland accepted position of Quartermaster.
20231007 - USSVI Oklahoma City base participated in the Czech Festival Parade. Members participating were Jay VanDuzer, Jim Owen, Todd Holmes, Don LaBlanc and Chuck Hladik.
20230909 - USSVI-OKC Base Bylaw change deleting Article V, Section 1, Paragraph C, “The Base Commander shall not serve more than two consecutive terms. A member who has served
two consecutive terms may hold another office and may again run for Base Commander at the next regular election”
20230909 - USSVI-OKC begins sponsorship of the SSN-802 Oklahoma. Oklahoma's keel was laid down on 2 August 2023 at Newport News Shipbuilding in Newport News, Virginia.
20230805 - USSVI Oklahoma City base donated to the Robert Kalsu Memorial fund. Army 1st LT Kalsu was one of two professional football players killed in action during the Vietnam War The funding is to support a memorial of Robert Kalsu at the Del City Football Stadium.
20230704 - USSVI Oklahoma City base participated in the Edmond Liberty Fest Parade. Members participating were Jay VanDuzer, Jim Owen, Todd Holmes, Don LaBlanc and Chuck Hladik.
20230513 - Connie Holland is the winner of the 2022/2023 Gun Raffle; a Stoeger Luger STLR-4 .22 LR Caliber. In addition, a check for $500, a 25% share of proceeds, was presented to the American Legion Post 73 in appreciation from USSVI-OKC.
20230513 - USSVI Oklahoma City base presented Captain John Keilty USN (ret) a check to sponsor Del City NJROTC cadets at a leadership camp.
20230506 - USSVI Oklahoma City base participated in the Del City Parade. Members participating were Gabriel Long, Jim Owen, Todd Holmes, Don LaBlanc and Chuck Hladik.
20230204 - Members of the USSVI-OKC Base, along with their spouses met at Cattleman's Restaurant in OKC for a Winter Holiday Celebration. Members participating were: Bill & Sherry Novak; Todd & LoriAnn Holmes; Chuck & Joyce Hladik; Jay & Chris VanDuzer; Jim & Linda Owen; Gary & Penny Lee; Steve & Sue Damlo; Dale & Lori Sanders
If you have any base history and/or pictures, please contact Webmaster to contribute.
20221211 - Chuck Hladik, Jim Owen and Todd Holmes and their wives attended the dedication of the memorial to the USS Oklahoma City SSN 723 in Lawton Oklahoma. The memorial was the inspiration and hard work of Eagle Scout Matthew Aguilar. It is a lasting memory to the ship, its sailors and all submariners that have gone to sea!
20221112 - Chuck Hladik and Jim Owen present Matthew Aguilar with a recognition certificate from USSVI-OKC.
20221111 - USSVI Oklahoma City base participated in the Midwest City Veterans day parade. Members participating were Todd Holmes, Chuck Hladik, Bill Novak, Jim Owens and Dale Sanders.
20221013 - USSVI Oklahoma City base participated in the US Navy 247th Birthday celebration held at the Joe B. Barnes Regional Park in Midwest City. Members participating were Chuck Hladik, Jay Van Deuzer, Dale Sanders, and Todd Holmes
20221008 - Chuck is awarded the 2022 Robert Link National Commander's Award by District Commander Ellis Moses.
20221001 - USSVI Oklahoma City base participated in the Czech City Parade. Members participating were: Bill Novak, Jim Owen, Jay Van Deuzer, Gary Lee, Chuck Hladik.
20220917- USSVI Oklahoma City base participated in the Edmond Heard on Hurd. Members participating were Chuck Hladik, Jim Owens, Dale Sanders, Jerry McBride and Jay Vandusser.
20220704 - USSVI Oklahoma City base participated in the Liberty Fest Parade. Members participating were: Jay Van Deuzer, Chuck Hladik, Dale Sanders, Jim Owen and Todd Holmes
20220607 - USSVI Oklahoma City took custody of SSN-723's Pier Lay Down location sign.
20220514 - USSVI Oklahoma City base participated in the Dell City Parade. Members participating were: Dale Sanders, Chuck Hladik, Bill Novak, Ken Box, Todd Holmes.
If you have any base history and/or pictures, please contact Webmaster to contribute.
20211106 - Base Elections were held. Elected into offices were: Base Commander Chuck Hladik, Base Vice Commander Todd Holmes, Base Treasurer Jim Owens, and Base Secretary Dale Sanders.
202112 - Jim Owen, USSVI-OKC Treasurer, presented a portion of the proceeds from the sale of a quilt, ($500) to the American Legion Post 73 1st Vice Cmdr. David Horn and Finance Officer Tracy Hale.
20211002 - The base's float won third place in the Czech parade in Yukon, OK.
20210710 - Jim Owen presents the Holland Club certificate to Steve Damlo. Other Holland Club members present at the meeting were: Jim Owen, Ken Box, Mark Holland and Bill Novak.
If you have any base history and/or pictures, please contact Webmaster to contribute.
20150314 - The USSVI Oklahoma City base participated in the St. Patrick's Day parade.
20120317 - Awarded the first place trophy, in the "Public Service" category at the 2012 Oklahoma City St. Patricks day parade.
20121119 - The first Base historic presentation of the USSVI EAGLE SCOUT RECOGNITION CERTIFICATE was made Monday 19 November 2012 to Benton Gifford III by base commander Gerald (Jerry) Cartwright with his parents Roger and Jennifer Johnson present as well as base members Jay Van Duzer, Kenneth Kerby, Jim Ayres, J. B.Messer. (source: USSVI.ORG).
20120908 - USSVI Oklahoma City base participated in the Choctaw Veterans Day parade. Jerry Cartwright, J. B. Messer, Kenneth Kerby and Frank Martinez.
20120526 - Tolling of the Boats was held at VFW Post 9500. USSVI Oklahoma City base members present were Charles Haag, Don Sparks, J.B. Messer, Ken Kirby, James Cartwright, Jim Owen and Kelly Griffin. Ken read the rolls and Jerry tolled the bell.
20120317 - USSVI Oklahoma City base members Ken Kirby, Jerry Cartwright, Ray Delaney, Jim Own and J.B. Messer participated with the float in the OKC St. Patrick's Day parade. The float and guys won first place.
20120300 - USSVI Oklahoma City base members Jim Own, Ken Kirby, Bill Graham, James Ayres, Jeff Houpt, Jay Van Duzer, Ray Delaney, Randell Osborne and J.B. Messer participated with the float in the OKC St. Patrick's Day parade. The float and guys won second place.
20111111 - USSVI Oklahoma City base participate in the Norman Veterans Day Parade. Jim Owen, Ray Delaney and Kenneth Kerby were present.
20110318 - USSVI Oklahoma City base enters the Oklahoma City St. Patrick's day parade. The float won second place. Attending members were: Jim Owen, Ken Kirby, Bill Graham, James Ayres, Jeff Houpt, Jay Van Duzer, Ray Delaney, Randell Osborne, and J.B. Messer.
20100514 - A group from the Oklahoma City base went to Muskogee to attend the tolling of the bells and tour the World War II submarine, the USS Batfish. Base commander Ray Delaney participated in the ceremony by carrying the flag rack.
20100609 - USSVI Oklahoma City built another submarine of polystyrene foam. The foam submarine was built by Wayne Taylor of Taylor Foam, Inc. The sub was 14' long. Parade ready, the float has periscopes, banners on both sides, and a propeller.
20100417 - USSVI Oklahoma City Base held a social at Bandana Red's. Many base members and spouses were present: Ray, Don, Ken Kerby, Randall, Jay Van Duzer, William Graham, Jim Owen
20081128 - USSVI Oklahoma City enters the Plywood Submarine float at the Oklahoma City River Parade. Lighted and on a pontoon in the the river the wooden sub made a memorable appearance. An outboard motor was used to propel the sub. Unfortunately the plywood submarine was lost due to a misunderstanding when the owner of the pontoon boat needed his boat back.
20080513 - USSVI Oklahoma City base brought the plywood submarine to the Devon Boathouse to celebrate the Oklahoma City Riverfest. Members present at the event were: Gary Mallo, Tony Shipman, Jim Owen, Jeff Houpt, Larry Zigler, Fred Erdman, Ray Delaney, J.B. Messer and John Berins.
20080317 - USSVI Oklahoma City took the plywood sub to the Oklahoma City St. Patrick's Day parade. Members: Ray Delaney, John Bevins and J.B. Messer road the float. A parade trophy was won.
2007811 - USSVI-OKC Plywood Submarine float was built in Jim Owen's driveway. Approximately 16' long, 4' wide, the float was built in 3 sections. The float was originally built to be pulled on a trailer. Jim Owen, John Bevins, Jeff Houpt, and J.B. Messer were involved in building the float.
20040510 - Article Published in the Oklahoma Pioneer announcing a Submarine base launched in Oklahoma City.
20040429 - Article published in the Oklahoma MidCity Advocate newspaper seeking Submariners who have earned a silver or gold dolphin from the United States Submarine Service or who are members of the U.S. Subvets of WWII to help establish a United States Submarine bas in Oklahoma City.
20040427 - Potential members met on April 27th to decide if they wanted to join the Oklahoma City Base and to elect officers. J.B. Messer was chosen as the vice commander. The other officers are Bill Novak, secretary, and Larry Zeigler, Treasurer.
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